Revolutionizing the way families save for the future!

The US Government created 529 plans to make it easy for parents to start saving for college

About 529 plans

A 529 plan is a tax qualified savings plan operated by your state. That helps families set aside funds for their child’s future college expenses.Diplomakids simplifies the process of setting up and contributing to 529 plans. However, 529 plans can be overwhelming. Things like how the money is invested and how it grows, can differ from plan to plan and also from family to family. The video above and our educational videos in our app, will teach you what you need to know to be successful. Don’t be overwhelmed thinking you have to learn everything. You do not have to do this alone. Diplomakids strongly recommends that all our parents use a financial advisor to help them manage these decisions. We will make sure you have that relationship!

Don’t let all your questions stop you from getting started.

Here's how we help our parents!

Diplomakids series of 5 short videos will teach you everything you need to know about the more complicated areas of 529 plans. Set up your families free account and login and you can view these videos when you are ready.

Working with a financial advisor to handle the complicated areas is easy, and it is free to you. Diplomakids will teach you how and when to use a financial advisor, and will even connect you with one when you are ready.